Monday, December 9, 2013

Stand Up Against Police Brutality

Police brutality is getting out of hand lately... All of these stories of police officers senselessly threatening, beating, harming, shooting, and killing people (and their pets and children) in gruesome ways, and oftentimes without just reason.  Police officers overstepping their boundaries and causing crimes against humanity, nature, and the rights of other humans and animals... And getting away with it because they are people of the "law" or "authority figures!"  And this is not right!  We should not put up with this!

I hear more and more horrific, unfair, upsetting cases as time goes by, of things like police officers threatening to take the lives of people or their pets over dumb, petty things, and using excessive force and beating on them for the fun of it, just because they can and they think there is no repercussion for it because they are a cop.  Well, they are wrong!  Any person who murders, beats, or otherwise goes against someone else's natural rights shall eventually suffer the consequences for it (be it getting fired from their job, thrown in jail, or treated the same way they treated other people, be it a man-made repercussion or a natural karmic repercussion).  There are reactions and repercussions for every action, no matter who you are, and just because they don't catch up with you right away, that doesn't mean they never will!  Karma isn't biased towards anyone, even if you are a man or woman "of the law!"  It'll eventually catch up...

No, not "even."  Especially!  Especially if you are a person that is supposed to be entrusted with the powers to protect people, govern people, be bigger and stronger than people, and enslave people, and then you misuse those powers!  Karma hits those people the hardest, because they deserve it's wrath like nothing else.

Even though police brutality rates are going up and are seemingly growing way out of hand, people are starting to wake up to it and stand up against it.  Eventually no one will put up with it anymore!

I am going to share, here on my blog, a link to a video of one particular incident of police brutality and of people standing up against it.  Although you may argue that "two wrongs don't make a right" or "violence isn't the correct answer to violence," and typically I'd agree, but which outcome would have been worse in this case... The fellow spectators sitting around and doing nothing, just twiddling their thumbs and looking on, watching, as this man is being brutally beaten in front of their very own eyes, letting these police officers on a power trip get away with this heinous act and hope for the best, hope that they or someone they love don't become the next victim?  Or... Nip that shit in the bud and show the police officers their place, so that this man isn't hurt by them any longer and they hopefully don't continue to senselessly brutalize and beat on innocent, helpless victims?

Here is the link to the video:

Cops need to know their place!  We need to put an end to police officers overstepping their boundaries and brutalizing, harming, murdering, harassing, and threatening innocent civilians!  We need to step up and protect our fellow human beings from this kind of behavior.  We don't take it from our parents, other kids on the playground, school teachers, fast food costumers, tweaked out druggies, business employees, or virtually anyone else (or at least we shouldn't).  So, why should we take it from a cop?  Cops are SUPPOSED TO be here to SERVE AND PROTECT the people!

I would like to share another link with you.  There  is an alternative to retaliating by beating on the cops that are beating on someone else... There is another option other than to resort to violence as an "answer" to violence... It doesn't work every single time, but maybe someday the whole world will know peace.  Maybe someday peace will be the effective go-to answer for every situation...  Maybe someday peaceful protesting and reaching your hands out to other people, hoping for them to join in with the peace and make everyone in the world one again, make the world a better place and make it at peace once more... Maybe this can be a reality someday, and maybe it is the answer!

This picture and it's caption gave me hope:   (I have seen it on many websites these last couple days, but it's headline is "

In Thailand, riot cops yield to peaceful protesters by removing barricades and their helmets in a shocking gesture of solidarity


Keep the peace going.  Keep uniting with other people and lifting them up!  Keep police officers in their place.  Rise against police brutality!

Brutality isn't ok, regardless of who you are and karma catches up to you eventually, regardless of who you are!

-Bridgette Mae <3 


“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I Recently Updated the Asking Price on My Ebay Auction

As some of you may already know, I have started making handcrafted hair bows and trying to sell them online.  I currently only have one auction for them up right now, because they are the only set of bows that is available for purchase at the moment.  It is a set of five "Princess" themed hair bows.  Each of them feature something related to this theme.  The charms on them include a castle, a carriage, a ball gown, a "glass" slipper, and a pony.

Originally my asking price for them was $10.00 plus shipping, but now I have reduced that price to $8.00 plus shipping, in light of the holiday season!

I also have a Facebook page set up for them.  I will provide the link for that as well, just in case my blog viewers haven't seen it yet:

Here is a photo of another hair bow that I just recently crafted:
Most of the hair bows I make are not this small.  Most of them are MUCH larger.  Please note that this one is NOT and will not ever be available for purchase.  The reason for both the fact that it is quite a deal smaller than most of my previous (and possibly future ones as well) designs and the fact that it'll never be available for purchase, is that this particular bow is being held for a very specific individual.  It is for a family member of mine, and a very special (and small) family member at that!

The bow pictured above features sparkling sequins and a shiny golden seahorse charm to add glimmer to the bow!

Please show some support, and check them out and tell me what you think!  Feedback, questions, support, etc. are very much so appreciated!  Thank you.

-Bridgette Mae <3 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Why Is The System so Terrified to Allow Artists and The Mentally Ill to Thrive?

Why is the System so terrified to allow artists and the mentally ill to thrive?  Why do they feel threatened by them and want to control them, silence them, and get rid of them?

It's all about conformity, power trips, and bias against anyone whose brain operates slightly different.  It's all about the math, the science, the power to own, enslave, control, and quiet others.  There is nothing wrong with being an artist or having a brain that operates slightly different then the average person's mind or having thoughts and emotions of your own.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to be an individual, wanting to be different, or just simply naturally being different.  There is nothing wrong with reacting to things that make you feel certain ways or portraying your emotions, and there is certainly nothing wrong with having those emotions!

I have come across so many different stories of cops, psych ward nurses, and other papered and shiny-badged officials abusing their invisible so-called "authority" over other people and harming, even killing other people, just because they can and can get away with it.  This is shocking and horrific and needs to come to an end!

Not too long ago I came across an article about a man with Down's Syndrome who was in his early twenties.  He was shoved to the ground and smothered to death by police just because he wanted to re-watch a movie that he had gone to see in a movie theater and did not understand that he would have to purchase another ticket in order to see the movie again.  He was crying and saying things like "I cant breathe," "I'm sorry," and "I want my mom."  What did he have to be sorry for?  There was no need for this poor, mistreated soul to apologize!  And there was definitely no need for him to be tackled and smothered to death by the police.

There was the story of the man who had Cerebral Palsy and Bipolar Disorder.  He had troubles standing up.  He was also beaten to death by the police for not being able to stand up and move away from his spot.

And many, MANY more cases that I have heard about, seen videos on, heard audio recordings of, and done research on.  And I'm sure that there are even still more cases of this type of evil yet to come.  They do this, why?  Because they can and because the System teaches that we must all conform, be exact carbon copies of one another, be ok with kissing every inch of our free wills good bye, or else you need to be a part of the government.  And if you aren't either a robot slave with no free will, thoughts or emotions of your own, and you're not a government official, nurse, or cop then you need to either be locked up or put to sleep.  This is wrong on so many levels!  Why are they allowed to get away with this type of cruel, disgusting, society and nature damning behavior?!

What is their ultimate goal?  What are they trying to have become of all this mess or gain by creating this mess?  What makes these specific "chosen few" be the powers that be, the people who have all the say in what goes on in the law system, in society, in nature, and everywhere else?  Why don't more people speak up and fight back against it?

These are questions that I cannot answer.  Except maybe the last one... The only plausible answer I can think of for that last question is that everyone is either too scared or too much in denial.  This is very sad to me.  Doesn't anyone realize that not fighting against the very thing that is damning humanity is part of what is damning humanity?!  Not fighting against the enemy is as good (or bad) as being one with the enemy.  If you aren't fighting against the problem you are part of the problem!  And art, emotions, free will, and differences aren't the problem.  Slavery and unwarranted brutality are!

When is everyone going to rise above?  Hopefully before it's too late!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

"Though the sun is gone, I still have a light." -Kurt Cobain (lead singer and guitarist of the band Nirvana.  Kurt Cobain was an artist and he had emotional illness and inner struggles.  Was he bad?  No.  Damaged?  Possibly.  Different?  Yes!  Did he need to be eradicated? No)

The Original Meaning of the Word "Meme," Plus: How to Deal With Trolls on the Internet

Today there is a wide variety of stupid, silly, sarcastic images floating around the internet that people have dubbed "memes."  This, however, is not the original meaning of the word "meme."  It used to just mean:

1. A contagious thought or idea.
2. To cause someone to have the same thought or idea as you, especially one that they think they got themselves with no influence.

Also, it is pronounced "Meem," not "Mee-Mee," as I have proclaimed in an earlier post.  Not that I or anyone else probably truly cares.  It just happens to be so.  I learned this from a rather boring poetry book called "Meme" something or other (I don't remember the full title of the book.  I just remember that it had the word "meme" in the title and that I didn't like the book).  I do like poetry overall.  I just didn't like this particular poetry book, but that doesn't mean that others cant enjoy it. ;)

That is all the information on memes that I wanted to discuss in this blog post.  As promised in the title of this blog post, here is the other half of what I wanted to discuss...

You've all dealt with them before, I'm sure.  I know I sure have!  I have dealt with my fair share of internet trolls, and then some.  But just because someone calls you a troll, that doesn't mean you actually are a troll.  I've learned that a lot of the times someone will call you a troll just because they cant think of anything else to say and to get attention.  Likewise, people will be trolls to get attention.  Sometimes their words can be hurtful (but only if you allow them to hurt you).  The best thing to do is just ignore them, grow stronger and live on despite them, and move on.  Sometimes this is easier said than done (like a lot of things), but that's ok.  A troll is an attention seeker that comments really mean, obnoxious things just for a reaction.  They do it just for the attention.  If they give you garbage that you don't want and didn't ask for, then why should you give them a gourmet meal that they don't deserve?  Your precious time, thoughts, and energy are worth so much more than that.  And no matter what you say, I assure you that the trolls wont stop their lousy attention-seeking and garbage spieling.

If a troll tells you to jump off a bridge and kill yourself, do just the opposite of that!  Kill the troll by not feeding it (by this, I don't mean literally go hunt down and murder the person or people that are trolling you.  I just mean to ignore them and the nasty things they say).  Because chances are, that troll is hiding underneath the bridge that it told you to jump from.  And do you think that a troll will be friendly enough and kind enough to catch you and help you stop falling?  Of course not (especially if it was the very troll that encouraged you to jump)!  The troll will likely laugh at you as you are falling and continue to throw sticks, stones, and nasty words at you after you have fallen.  So, it is best to just ignore and avoid those types of people!

The troll isn't always the person to strike first.  Nor is he/she always the one accused of being a troll.

Anyhow, don't take my word for any of this stuff.  Please, just think for yourself and live for yourself!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

An Alternative to Standard Burial

These aren't the only biodegradable urns in existence, but unlike other biodegradable urns these ones will actually turn you into a tree after you die.  How cool is that?!  I, personally, think it is way super awesome!  After I die I would love to be buried in one of these, love to be put back into Mother Nature's arms, love to make a come back as a beautiful tree helping others around me to breathe and live!

There are these ones, simply called the "Bios Urn":
And then there are these ones.  They are called "The Spirit Tree":

They are each roughly around $100-230.  So, for the price of one of these awesome biodegradable, tree-making urns plus the cost of cremation, you are looking at maybe $1000 total, as compared to a regular funeral, which can cost you upwards of $5000 or even $50000.  Not to mention the fact that a standard burial of a dead human being doesn't cause more beautiful, lively, oxygen-cleansing trees to sprout up!

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with a standard burial or a standard cremation urn.  Most the people I know that have passed on were either buried the "standard" way or placed in a regular, non-biodegradable urn that the loved ones kept as a memorial token.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.  I just think that the biodegradable urns are pretty cool (especially the ones that produce a tree), they cost less than a lot of other memorial urns and a lot less than a regular funeral, and if I have a say in the matter I'd like to be buried in one after I die!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

Someone Being Allegedly "Mentally Ill," Accusing You of Being the Father of Her Child, and Demanding a Paternity Test... Justifiable Reason for Murder?

I think not!  But the folks at the White House would beg to differ, apparently.

What is with all these senseless acts of murder?  Why are the police, military, and government (and sometimes even celebrities) allowed to get away with killing innocent people for no damned good reason except to "shut them up"?!

Why has humanity allowed this to go on for so long, and why does it continue to allow it to go on?

Mr. Obama, all she was asking for was a DNA test to either prove or disprove you as the father of her child.  Regardless of if the child was yours, this is no justifiable reason to have her murdered!  But of course, since they were police officers and they were working for the state, the most they'll get is a slap on the wrist.  They took her life, for God's sake!  Don't you just love how if a police officer kills someone you love, nothing more than being put on paid leave ever happens to the police officer usually, but if someone you love killed a police officer (regardless of if the police officer was threatening their safety, the safety of others, beating on them, trying to murder them or someone else, or was attempting to mug them, or not) that person would probably suffer consequences worse than any I or anyone else know?!  How are they just allowed to get away with this?  This is not right and something needs to be done about it!

As far as I'm aware, there is nothing just or fair about our "justice" system.  I hope to (legitimately) be proven wrong on that someday!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

Monday, November 25, 2013

So, I Created A Meme...

I am an awful, terrible, terrible humanoid for creating this and I'm probably going to go to Hell.  Believe me, I know!  I was bored and I found this meme generator and I created a "Grumpy Cat" meme (you all know who that is, right?).  It's in regards to the prohibition laws surrounding marijuana.  Please note that this is totally sarcastic and a joke.  Don't take it seriously!

I, personally, think that prohibition is stupid and part of why we have such high (haha, no pun intended, I swear) taxes and wars.  Believe me, as far as mind-altering substances go, marijuana is the least of our worries!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

P.S.  Meme is pronounced like "meem," not "Mee-mee."  LOL.  What are my fans' thoughts on marijuana, taxes, wars, memes, etc.?  Please feel free to share!

The Horrific Treatment of Children in Public Schools

It is sad and sickening to me that so many police officers and public school officials are allowed to beat, harm, torture, use excessive force on, smother, and even sometimes murder children.  There are more and more cases all the time of shit like this happening.

One thing that really saddens me is the fact that they seemingly mostly target all the kids who have autism or show signs of having autism, other behavioral or emotional disorders, or just "aren't like the rest."  This sort of power trip that these people have over these children is just disgusting!  And the fact that the "law" isn't doing much to prevent these children from being abused, mistreated, and even killed by teachers and police officers is even more atrocious.  Some of these acts of harm are all in the means of "subduing," "controlling," and "calming" the child.  But, do you think that acts of power and harm against a child is going to make them calm?  Of course not!  Only someone who is really stupid, Ok with harming children, and possibly a psychopath would think that!

I don't care if a child is acting up.  How can you possibly think it is ok to shove them into duffle bags, suffocate them, shove them around, throw them to the ground, hold them against their will, throw them in "seclusion chambers," shock them with tasers, etc.?  How can you possibly see this as "therapeutic" or a "fit punishment" for ANYTHING that a child would want to do or is capable of doing?!

Here is one link to a webpage containing a peek at some of the things that I am talking about in this post:

And that's not even all of the horrific, disgusting things going on in public schools behind the backs of these children's parents!  Not all of these disgusting acts of harm towards children are done simply to "subdue" them and "quiet" or "calm" them.  Some are just done for God knows what reason!  Take this guy for example: His name is Mark Berndt.  He apparently committed his actions, not as a mean to subdue or calm a child, but as... Well, who the Hell knows WHY he did what he did?!  This sicko (who happens to be a school teacher, a man that is put in charge of teaching and taking care of children for a good chunk of the day, every damned school day) apparently had a thing for feeding his students his own semen.  He also liked to blindfold them and do God knows what other sick, horrific things to these children!  Link to the article here:

It disgusts me, enrages me, and saddens me to no end that these innocent, helpless children would be treated this way by the people who are in charge of taking care of them and being their teachers, their guiders, their watchers.  People who the children (and parents of the children) are supposed to be able to trust!

I want to close this blog post with another article and video on an example of mistreatment and unnecessary force being dished out in a public school, but it is more surrounding a story of a parent being mistreated in a public school, rather than the child.  Of course this incident was bad for the children involved as well, as the school was more or less needlessly holding the children for ransom, causing them to cry and worry, when all they wanted to do was go home with their dad.  The only reason behind it that was clearly given was because the father didn't want to sign some waiver to allow the children to leave the school premises without him.  A legit reason?  I think not!  Links: 1.


They decided to needlessly haul the father off to jail and continue to hold his young, special needs children at the school.  The fact that the administrations lady or principal (or whoever she is) could just sit there on her fat ass and act like nothing was happening, while this event was taking place right freaking next to her... This astounds me!

If you choose to homeschool your children or put them/leave them in public school, that is up to you.  But, me personally?  After reading and watching some of the horrible shit that goes on in public schools, I kind of am less inclined to have my children public schooled!

Be aware and be careful.  That is all I'm saying!  People who you think you can trust with your children, for many hours a day, to take care of them, watch them, protect them, teach them, and whatever else, aren't always as trustworthy as they let on or should be!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

P.S. I'm sure that not every example of children being mistreated in public schools to ever occur in the history of mankind is mentioned in this post!  There are many more incidences that we don't even know about yet!

Just Another Example of How Corrupt Our System Truly Is

We have no real justice system, it seems.  Either that, or the word justice means something completely different than what I thought it meant.  Above is a video of a boy who was wrongly snatched up and imprisoned for crimes he did not commit.  He didn't even get a fair trial or anything like that.  They were just like "Yeah, you're a robber.  No questions.  No doubt a bout it, you're a guilty man!  You're going to jail, buddy!"  What the fuck?!  He didn't even commit a crime!  He lost three years of his life to the greedy, biased, unfair, unjust, corrupt legal system, undeserving of such treatment.

I can totally relate to this boy's story, although I have never been jailed or put in prison.  I have been severely fucked over and wronged by the court system and the police, as well as others, on countless different occasions.  I hope this boy can recover from the unneeded and undeserved trauma from this horrible mishap.  I hope he can go on to live a semi-normal, decent life again and be happy and live past this bullshit!

This is just one of many cases of corrupt things going on with the "law" and of people being unjustly wronged by the system.  Hopefully all the corrupt people in all the corrupt systems in the world get what they deserve, and hopefully all the people who have been wronged by the system can one day, somehow have it made right!  I certainly hope karma's real!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Here Are The Links For My Hair Bows

Here are the links for the handmade hair bows that I mentioned in the previous blog post.  I make these myself, by hand, with absolutely no help.  I only currently have the set of five Princess hair bows ready for sale, but I'll more than likely work on making more in the future.

If you are interested in them whatsoever, please check out the links above, leave comments, questions, or messages on my blog, in my email, or on one of the pages, purchase them, consider purchasing them, or a combination of the above.  Please check them out and tell me what you think!  I may also consider taking custom orders (like for example, if you want a certain type of bead, button, or charm, a certain type of barrette, or certain colors/thicknesses of ribbons) in the future!  I have not began to take custom orders for my hair bows as of yet, and am not going to for now, but it is definitely something I can and possibly will consider and pursue in the future.  Enjoy!  :D

-Bridgette Mae <3 

I'm Back. I Guess. Maybe. IDK.

Hi, Bridgette here.  I haven't blogged on here in a really long time.  I don't know if anyone even reads my old blog posts anymore or if anyone will continue to read them in the future.

For the most part, during the time in between now and the last time I blogged, I either haven't really had the time, didn't know what to blog about, or just didn't see a reason.

I have started a handmade hair bow business recently (and I'm unsure if I'm going to keep at it or not, but we'll see).  I'll share the links to both the Facebook page that I created for my "business" and the link to my Ebay account (where I am currently attempting to sell them) later on in a different blog post (if I feel up to it and actually can get around to it).  I actually need to get around to making more bows, though, if I want this little venture to work out.


I'm pretty much abandoning the story "Mesmerized" (at least for now).  I might put up different stories though, instead.  I may or may not pick it back up in the future.  One story I'd like to get working on was originally called "The Search for Mona's Heart" (but I don't know what to call it now).  It was a story that I was working on with my little brother as a video game concept before he died, but I'm probably going to make it into something a little different.

Another thing that I really want to be doing right now is picking the guitar back up and trying to pump out some music again.  I was wondering what people's opinions were on doing music as a single person, rather than as a band, and just recording yourself playing acoustic guitar and singing songs that you wrote.  I'm thinking of attempting exactly that (once again)!

So, what are my fans (or lack there of) up to lately?  As far as the title of this blog entry goes, I didn't know what else to title it.  Plus, the title seemingly fits for now.  "I'm back.  I guess.  Maybe.  I don't know," as in I'm getting back into writing this blog, I guess.  Maybe.  I don't know!  I honestly don't know if I'm going to pick this blog back up or not, but if I do, the next couple of posts are going to include the links I discussed earlier on in this post and possibly stuff regarding my story "The Search for Mona's Heart."


-Bridgette Mae <3

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Schools, Etc.

There are many schools and career options that I have looked into or wanted to look into at one point or another during my life.  I have looked into accredited, non-accredited, public, private, large, small, expensive, and less expensive schools alike.  I have wanted to be, or thought I wanted to be just about everything under the sun, including but not limited to: Veterinarian, nurse, tattoo artist, P.I., crime scene investigator, shop owner, author, musician, actress, model, fashion designer, web designer, video game designer, mechanic, restaurant owner, therapist, teacher, record label/record shop owner, and even many combinations of the above.

I have checked out several colleges but have not actually earned a single degree in anything as of yet.  I have looked into Salt Lake Community College, Broadview Entertainment Arts University, The Art Institute, Snow College, ITT Technical Institute, and a few others.  I have heard both good and bad about all of the schools that I have looked into (and just about all the ones I haven't looked into as well).  Of course there are going to be both good and bad reviews of any school or career field (or restaurant or anything else) out there!

One thing you need to be aware of is the fact that some places actually pay people to give them good reviews and sometimes they even pay people to give bad reviews of rival companies.  It's just a simple, shitty fact of life.  Er, um, I mean marketing technique!

Anyhow... My point is that part of the reason that I haven't actually ever seriously pursued a long-term career in anything or attempted to complete school and get a degree in anything yet is because I am left with the not-so-simple, tedious task of deciphering what of everything is just complete, utter bullshit, and what of it is good, factual, honest, accurate information.  I'm left with the task of sorting all that junk out and making a decision or decisions on my own accordingly.

Learn to think for yourself.  Don't listen to everything you read and are told by other people, because a lot of it is biased or completely wrong.  Even if it is to some degree actually true, it may only be true (or slightly true) for one person or a few people, because it's all speculation and opinion.  Not everything applies to everyone, and everything ("fact" or not) was based off of someone's perspective or speculation.

At the end of the day, everything is opinion and nothing matters except what you know to be true in your heart (but what is true to and for you may only be true to and for you and no one else)!

The other thing getting in my way of completing school is the fact that unlike the government, I don't like to gamble away invisible money in mass quantities that I don't actually have.

There have been many times when I had my whole life figured out and had everything I wanted to do with my life completely, 100% planned out... Or at least thought I did!  But, you know what... I was wrong!  I was wrong every single time!  Otherwise, I wouldn't have changed my mind so Goddamn many times.  You may think you have your whole life ahead of you planned out and may not actually be right on this and that's OK!  Or you may actually be correct.  In which case, good for you!  That is awesome.  But, life occasionally throws curve balls at people that can be temporarily disabling and devastating, and sometimes it even bops them on the nose, wags it's finger at them and gives them a stern "No!"  Sometimes it seems this is for no damned reason at all.  Just because it seems there isn't a reason, that doesn't mean there actually isn't!  Well, this is another thing that depends on perspective, opinion, attitude.  Rather you want something/think you want something, don't want/think you don't want something, need/think you need/don't need/think you don't need something, deserve/think you deserve, don't deserve/think you don't deserve something, can have/can't have or think you can or can't have something, although many of these things do rely on circumstance, they don't rely on that alone.  They also rely on perspective.

You may disagree with me that it is OK that I keep changing my mind on what I want to do with my life and that I don't have everything quite figured out or planned out.  In which case your perspective or opinion differs from mine, because I think it is OK.

Regardless on rather or not your opinion on if it's OK or not differs from mine, the fact of the matter is I don't have all my shit together, I don't know everything, I don't have everything planned out, I don't know what I want to do with my life, and I don't know what I want to be when I grow up (or IF I "grow up"), and I think it's OK.  And, this so-called "fact" is only a fact because I said it was.  It's based off my opinion and perspective, so it's a "fact" inside my head (and in your head, things may be a little different), but if you were to tell me "No, Bridgette.  Actually you do have all your shit together and you do know precisely what you want to be when you grow up.  In fact, you are living it right now and you already are grown up," I'd probably tell you you're full of crap... But, to you, the information you just fed me is your perspective, your opinion, and to you me having my shit together is the fact.

Where was I going with this?  I don't even remember now.  In my opinion, the fact is that I've lost my train of thought, forgot what I actually wanted to say, and this note is kind of irrelevant and pointless.  But, to you the fact of the matter may be that I've actually said precisely what I meant to say and what needed to be said and have made many good points throughout this note.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Hello Again! Plus... "I Know This is a Little Juvenile, But.... : A Quick Confession of Mine"

Hi!  It's been a while since I've posted anything on here.  Honestly, yes, I have pretty much, more or less abandoned this blog.  I, myself, honestly don't care about it all that much, but I see  that other people sure do.  People are still reading it (even though the post are all mostly pointless and old news)!  And I still might occasionally (but very rarely) ever come on here anymore just to post something out of boredom and not having much else better to do at the time.  Anyhow...

I know this is a little juvenile of me, but (and, oh boy... Here comes the confession!) I have been so totally obsessed with the "Monster High" theme and with cute things that have skulls with eyelashes and hair bows.  LOL!

Here are a few random pictures of cute shoes that I found:

Yes... Some of them will be baby and toddler shoes! :)

I honestly cannot decided if this particular pair is cute/pretty or not.  The color scheme is a bit different.

Misfits shoes?!  Hell yes! XD

The last two that I just added are rain boots. lol

These boots, in my opinion, would easily be described as "Cugly."  Cugly is a word that I came up with merging the words cute and ugly, either to describe something that you cant decide if it is cute or ugly, or if it is kind of a little bit of both (such as a pug, Persian cat, hairless cat, or these boots, for example).

I also have obsessions with other juvenile things other than Monster High (such as Hello Kitty, but who doesn't like Hello Kitty?).

A few cute things that also popped up that weren't necessarily shoes:

This hoodie is so cute, but the mannequin is freaking creepy!  lol

I'm not sure what this even is, but it's cute!

Good bye until next time (IF there is a next time)!