Sunday, December 1, 2013

Someone Being Allegedly "Mentally Ill," Accusing You of Being the Father of Her Child, and Demanding a Paternity Test... Justifiable Reason for Murder?

I think not!  But the folks at the White House would beg to differ, apparently.

What is with all these senseless acts of murder?  Why are the police, military, and government (and sometimes even celebrities) allowed to get away with killing innocent people for no damned good reason except to "shut them up"?!

Why has humanity allowed this to go on for so long, and why does it continue to allow it to go on?

Mr. Obama, all she was asking for was a DNA test to either prove or disprove you as the father of her child.  Regardless of if the child was yours, this is no justifiable reason to have her murdered!  But of course, since they were police officers and they were working for the state, the most they'll get is a slap on the wrist.  They took her life, for God's sake!  Don't you just love how if a police officer kills someone you love, nothing more than being put on paid leave ever happens to the police officer usually, but if someone you love killed a police officer (regardless of if the police officer was threatening their safety, the safety of others, beating on them, trying to murder them or someone else, or was attempting to mug them, or not) that person would probably suffer consequences worse than any I or anyone else know?!  How are they just allowed to get away with this?  This is not right and something needs to be done about it!

As far as I'm aware, there is nothing just or fair about our "justice" system.  I hope to (legitimately) be proven wrong on that someday!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

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