Monday, December 9, 2013

Stand Up Against Police Brutality

Police brutality is getting out of hand lately... All of these stories of police officers senselessly threatening, beating, harming, shooting, and killing people (and their pets and children) in gruesome ways, and oftentimes without just reason.  Police officers overstepping their boundaries and causing crimes against humanity, nature, and the rights of other humans and animals... And getting away with it because they are people of the "law" or "authority figures!"  And this is not right!  We should not put up with this!

I hear more and more horrific, unfair, upsetting cases as time goes by, of things like police officers threatening to take the lives of people or their pets over dumb, petty things, and using excessive force and beating on them for the fun of it, just because they can and they think there is no repercussion for it because they are a cop.  Well, they are wrong!  Any person who murders, beats, or otherwise goes against someone else's natural rights shall eventually suffer the consequences for it (be it getting fired from their job, thrown in jail, or treated the same way they treated other people, be it a man-made repercussion or a natural karmic repercussion).  There are reactions and repercussions for every action, no matter who you are, and just because they don't catch up with you right away, that doesn't mean they never will!  Karma isn't biased towards anyone, even if you are a man or woman "of the law!"  It'll eventually catch up...

No, not "even."  Especially!  Especially if you are a person that is supposed to be entrusted with the powers to protect people, govern people, be bigger and stronger than people, and enslave people, and then you misuse those powers!  Karma hits those people the hardest, because they deserve it's wrath like nothing else.

Even though police brutality rates are going up and are seemingly growing way out of hand, people are starting to wake up to it and stand up against it.  Eventually no one will put up with it anymore!

I am going to share, here on my blog, a link to a video of one particular incident of police brutality and of people standing up against it.  Although you may argue that "two wrongs don't make a right" or "violence isn't the correct answer to violence," and typically I'd agree, but which outcome would have been worse in this case... The fellow spectators sitting around and doing nothing, just twiddling their thumbs and looking on, watching, as this man is being brutally beaten in front of their very own eyes, letting these police officers on a power trip get away with this heinous act and hope for the best, hope that they or someone they love don't become the next victim?  Or... Nip that shit in the bud and show the police officers their place, so that this man isn't hurt by them any longer and they hopefully don't continue to senselessly brutalize and beat on innocent, helpless victims?

Here is the link to the video:

Cops need to know their place!  We need to put an end to police officers overstepping their boundaries and brutalizing, harming, murdering, harassing, and threatening innocent civilians!  We need to step up and protect our fellow human beings from this kind of behavior.  We don't take it from our parents, other kids on the playground, school teachers, fast food costumers, tweaked out druggies, business employees, or virtually anyone else (or at least we shouldn't).  So, why should we take it from a cop?  Cops are SUPPOSED TO be here to SERVE AND PROTECT the people!

I would like to share another link with you.  There  is an alternative to retaliating by beating on the cops that are beating on someone else... There is another option other than to resort to violence as an "answer" to violence... It doesn't work every single time, but maybe someday the whole world will know peace.  Maybe someday peace will be the effective go-to answer for every situation...  Maybe someday peaceful protesting and reaching your hands out to other people, hoping for them to join in with the peace and make everyone in the world one again, make the world a better place and make it at peace once more... Maybe this can be a reality someday, and maybe it is the answer!

This picture and it's caption gave me hope:   (I have seen it on many websites these last couple days, but it's headline is "

In Thailand, riot cops yield to peaceful protesters by removing barricades and their helmets in a shocking gesture of solidarity


Keep the peace going.  Keep uniting with other people and lifting them up!  Keep police officers in their place.  Rise against police brutality!

Brutality isn't ok, regardless of who you are and karma catches up to you eventually, regardless of who you are!

-Bridgette Mae <3 


“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix.

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