Sunday, December 1, 2013

Why Is The System so Terrified to Allow Artists and The Mentally Ill to Thrive?

Why is the System so terrified to allow artists and the mentally ill to thrive?  Why do they feel threatened by them and want to control them, silence them, and get rid of them?

It's all about conformity, power trips, and bias against anyone whose brain operates slightly different.  It's all about the math, the science, the power to own, enslave, control, and quiet others.  There is nothing wrong with being an artist or having a brain that operates slightly different then the average person's mind or having thoughts and emotions of your own.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to be an individual, wanting to be different, or just simply naturally being different.  There is nothing wrong with reacting to things that make you feel certain ways or portraying your emotions, and there is certainly nothing wrong with having those emotions!

I have come across so many different stories of cops, psych ward nurses, and other papered and shiny-badged officials abusing their invisible so-called "authority" over other people and harming, even killing other people, just because they can and can get away with it.  This is shocking and horrific and needs to come to an end!

Not too long ago I came across an article about a man with Down's Syndrome who was in his early twenties.  He was shoved to the ground and smothered to death by police just because he wanted to re-watch a movie that he had gone to see in a movie theater and did not understand that he would have to purchase another ticket in order to see the movie again.  He was crying and saying things like "I cant breathe," "I'm sorry," and "I want my mom."  What did he have to be sorry for?  There was no need for this poor, mistreated soul to apologize!  And there was definitely no need for him to be tackled and smothered to death by the police.

There was the story of the man who had Cerebral Palsy and Bipolar Disorder.  He had troubles standing up.  He was also beaten to death by the police for not being able to stand up and move away from his spot.

And many, MANY more cases that I have heard about, seen videos on, heard audio recordings of, and done research on.  And I'm sure that there are even still more cases of this type of evil yet to come.  They do this, why?  Because they can and because the System teaches that we must all conform, be exact carbon copies of one another, be ok with kissing every inch of our free wills good bye, or else you need to be a part of the government.  And if you aren't either a robot slave with no free will, thoughts or emotions of your own, and you're not a government official, nurse, or cop then you need to either be locked up or put to sleep.  This is wrong on so many levels!  Why are they allowed to get away with this type of cruel, disgusting, society and nature damning behavior?!

What is their ultimate goal?  What are they trying to have become of all this mess or gain by creating this mess?  What makes these specific "chosen few" be the powers that be, the people who have all the say in what goes on in the law system, in society, in nature, and everywhere else?  Why don't more people speak up and fight back against it?

These are questions that I cannot answer.  Except maybe the last one... The only plausible answer I can think of for that last question is that everyone is either too scared or too much in denial.  This is very sad to me.  Doesn't anyone realize that not fighting against the very thing that is damning humanity is part of what is damning humanity?!  Not fighting against the enemy is as good (or bad) as being one with the enemy.  If you aren't fighting against the problem you are part of the problem!  And art, emotions, free will, and differences aren't the problem.  Slavery and unwarranted brutality are!

When is everyone going to rise above?  Hopefully before it's too late!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

"Though the sun is gone, I still have a light." -Kurt Cobain (lead singer and guitarist of the band Nirvana.  Kurt Cobain was an artist and he had emotional illness and inner struggles.  Was he bad?  No.  Damaged?  Possibly.  Different?  Yes!  Did he need to be eradicated? No)

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