Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Vlogs (AKA Video blogs)

So... I've recently decided that I want to get back into video-blogging.  Here is a link to my most recent Vlog post on Youtube.

-Bridgette Mae <3 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Heading Down the Path of Destruction

This is a blog post that I had started a long ass time ago and just never got around to finishing. All I can remember about it is that it was basically more or less a rant about how I hate the health care system and the employment system (and just money in general) and about how I think we really need to and should change a few things about the way we live as people. Since I wrote this a long time ago (well, started writing it) I can't remember exactly all what I wanted it to say, but I do know that it had some sort of purpose at the time of me brainstorming it and typing it (or so I thought). Before you go on to read it, I just want to point out a few things about our system and our society. The system is complete and utter bullshit! It is unnatural, forced, corrupt, unjust, has a faulty foundation, and runs off of lies and coercion. Money is an unnatural concept (and so is government) and human beings are the only creature on this planet (that I'm aware of) that live with such silly, unnatural, and useless systems. Poverty, debt, homelessness, war, and famine only exist among the human beings in this world because people are greedy, selfish, don't give a fuck, don't care to stand up for themselves and take care of one another, are stupid and foolish, and possibly because there are impostors among us. Believe it or not, human beings are actually capable of living, surviving, and thriving without silly concepts in our lives such as money, war, government, and other such force and corruption-driven things. And there was a time when humans did actually live without that shit! And we could live that way again. Actually, we would all be better off in the long run if we did. The way humans are choosing to live right now, we won't last all that much longer if the trend continues... Because we are headed down the path of destruction (the destruction of human kind, nature, Earth... The destruction of EVERYTHING)! And we are going down that path at a rather rapid rate and there is no better time to take a stand and start working on fixing this shit than now (or rather a long fucking time ago). Anyhow.... Please take a moment to read the rant below that I never got around to finishing, and either enjoy it or just don't, and take it for what it is or don't... Either fucking way, I don't care how you interpret it or what you think of it!

Why is everyone around me giving up on the things they love, and why is it seemingly getting increasingly harder to gain employment?

Well, the answer to the second question might be simpler than I initially thought... It might be the fact that there are more and more people competing for the same jobs, coupled with the fact that a lot of jobs are already filled by people that have more work experience than some other people who want the same job.  Other factors may be that they have made changes to things such as the healthcare system.  Some of these changes have really screwed over employees, employers, and people who want to be employed.  There are other factors, I am sure.  These are just a few, and they are only mere opinions based off of observations.  The theory that the recent changes to the healthcare system have made it harder for new employees to get jobs was conjured up in my head after I had recently applied at a fast food job in my hometown and was turned away for reasons unannounced to me.  During the interview I had had a conversation with the hiring manager at the restaurant and he had told me something along the lines of "We are much more limited on the number and types of people that we are willing to hire, due to the recent changes to the healthcare system, so now we only hire X-number of full-time employees and X-number of part-time employees."  Regardless of rather or not this is true, this really, truly bites big time!

Most of the jobs in and around my dinky, dingy (er, um... I mean huge, pleasant) hometown are already filled by either people who are the children's children's children's children of the founders of the company, or by some rich S.O.B. that came along and bought out the company and only wants to hire people who have a bajillion of years worth of non-related experience and five college degrees and already be rich and not needing a job, or some shit like that.  Ok... So, it's a bit of an exaggeration.  Not much though!  There is seriously next to no room for life-improvement or financial growth in or around where I live.  I am not a college graduate, but damn... I have never been convicted of a crime in my whole entire life, I was born and raised here, and I have a small amount of job experience and college experience (I'm not a graduate, but I did attend for a little while and I don't have a whole lot of job experience, but I still have some and it is related to most of the jobs that I have been applying for) and I still can't find a new job!

It's not that there is something wrong with me. It's that there is something wrong with the system.

My Poetry Book

This project didn't have quite the results I was hoping for, but it was still somewhat a success.  I was hoping to publish my poetry collection into an actual physical book, but I absolutely cannot afford publisher's fees and whatnot at this point in my life, and I really wanted to get my poetry collection out there somehow!  So, I decided to take the route of publishing it as an ebook through Amazon.  I'm definitely not going to make a lot of money, despite all the hard work and time and effort that I put into this project, but that is alright.  Hopefully people at least enjoy the product that I have put out for them.  Money isn't everything!

Actually, money is quite a dirty thing and as you all probably know by now, I think that humans would all be much better off without.  But I must live within the realm of reality, unfortunately!  And reality says we are ruled by a government that has imposed a monetary system upon us and we can't exactly pay the bills without the filthy greenbacks that the corrupt, controlling slave-masters have forced upon us, so as much as I really hate money and the monetary system, sadly it is needed to be able to purchase anything I need or want (food, water, a roof over my head, money for transportation, deodorant and shampoo and conditioner, etc).  Awe, wouldn't life be so much simpler if the people ruled themselves and we stuck to a barter and trade system instead?!

Anyhow, my ebook is available for purchase on Amazon and it is compatible with a great number of e-readers and other electronic devices (according to Amazon.  I don't actually know, because I have never attempted to download my own ebook, or any ebook for that matter, considering that I am not well-off enough financially to afford an e-reader).  I'm only charging $5 per copy, but I won't even make a whole $5 dollars if one person buys my ebook, as I will only be getting a portion of the money paid towards the cost.  I will make probably roughly $3.50 per copy sold.  Hey, it's something I guess.  Although I'd rather either be making enough money to support myself and actually make a living, or just not need money at all and be able to trade my cool book for something else of equal value that would be useful to me, and not have to fucking worry about life's ever-growing stock pile of expenses that I can't afford!

You can purchase my poetry collection in the form of a nifty ebook by clicking on this link and ordering it: .  Or in the very least, you can read the title and description and decide for yourself if it is interesting and something worth spending money on.

I will warn you that my poetry collection and the other material provided in the book, for the most part, are very pain driven and are based on the shitty, painful childhood experiences that I grew up having, and yes, it does swear and has content about rape, abuse, violence, and other not so nice topics.

Even if you don't end up buying it, please check it out and read the description and tell me your thoughts at least.  Thank you!

-Bridgette Mae

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Ideal Job (or at least what I think the ideal job would be)

I am well aware that when you hear the words "the ideal job," depending on who you are, you may think "Oh, the ideal job would be something that pays well enough to keep my head afloat and keep food on the table," or "The ideal job is something that doesn't totally suck and totally make me feel miserable, pathetic, and useless," or "The ideal job is something where I can work at my own pace and do my own thing," or "The ideal job is one where I can truly make a difference in someone's life by doing it," or whatever else have we.  Some of the things I just listed are definitely factors in what I would consider to be the "ideal" job.  Some of the things I just listed don't really matter all that much to me, on the other hand.  Either way, even though, yes, some of them indeed do line up perfectly with my definition of "the ideal job," but not a single one of them by themselves (or all of the things I just listed put together) are my complete definition of the ideal job.

My complete definition of the ideal job (or at least as much of it that I can put into words for others to be able to understand) is as follows:

The ideal job wouldn't be more stressful than it is rewarding.  The ideal job would be something that I enjoy as well as something that actually helps me to better myself and my life.  The ideal job is something that others can benefit from and not just something that I benefit from.  The ideal job is something that I can utilize my skills and incorporate my interests into.  The ideal job is something that doesn't rob anything from other people and gives to them instead.  The ideal job is something that takes care of Mother Earth (or in the very least doesn't farther destroy her).  The ideal job is something that I would be able to do when I felt like doing it, or something that I wouldn't have to do if I had other things going.  Something that I could work around my other plans, work around MY schedule, rather than a job that I have to work my schedule around!  The ideal job is something where I can be creating something valuable and useful, without simultaneously destroying anything else.  This pretty much sums up my definition of the "ideal job."  Your definition of the "ideal job" might differ entirely from mine, and that's perfectly ok!

Out of curiosity, what are some of your ideas of what the ideal job would be?  What is your dream job?  (Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section if you would like)

Well, I answered the question "what is the ideal job" using my own opinions and view point, but can I truly answer the question "what is your dream job?"  I don't know and I don't think so!  There are so many things that I would like to be doing with myself and with my time.  I just have so many ideas and dreams that I couldn't simply pick ONE "dream job!"

So... I might not be able to make up my mind on what my sole "dream" job may be, despite being able to make a very clear description of what I think an "ideal" job may be, but I can leave you off with some of my interests.

I like animals, art, nature, helping other people, music, poetry, crafting things, DIY, and writing.  What do you think would be a great career for me based off of my desires and interests?

-Bridgette Mae

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I started selling things on this website called .  You can find my store profile here: .

I will post a few pictures of what you can find in my listings on this blog post, but there are a lot more items to come that I haven't listed yet.

 Strapless polka dot dress.  $20.

 Cheetah print dress.  $20.

Cherry-print tank top.  $10.

Orange and white over-shirt.  $10.

Black and white floral tank top.  $10.

Camouflage tank top.  $5.

Pinstripe shorts (Aeropostale).  $20.

Lime Green "Love" shirt.  $10.

Hello Kitty winking tie-front top.  $15.

Short-sleeve hoodie.  $10.

Grommet-accented tank top.  $10.

"Music is peace" t-shirt.  $25.

Black and pink multi-print swim suit.  $25.

Happy Bunny "Nobody ever suspects me" shirt.  $25.

Purple button-accented top.  $10.

Heart graphic tee with pink lace back.  $10.

"Live in the moment" top.  $10.

Black lace dress.  $15.

Plaid shorts (Aeropostale).  $20.

Smiley Mickey Mouse top.  $25.

Handmade boxer shorts.  $20.

These are just a few of the items that I have up... And there's even more to come!  Sizes vary from item to item, but I do my best to make sure the size on the listing is correct.  I am flexible on my pricing... Just ask!  I am also more than likely willing to trade for things.  Like I said, just ask!

If you say that you got the code "BridgettesBlog" from this blog post (just send it to me in a message on Vinted, or comment it in the comments of the item, or send it to me in my email, depending on rather or not you use Vinted) I will discount you either $1 or $2, depending on rather or not you are planning on purchasing an item that is featured in this blog post.  If it is featured on this blog post, then I will discount you $2, but if it isn't featured then I'll just discount you $1.  But you have to use the code provided in the blog post and hold off on purchasing it until I discount it and reserve it for you.  You may use the code more than once... It applies to all of my items, but you'll have to submit it more than once if you want to use it on several items.

-Bridgette Mae <3 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My Thoughts on Social Darwinism

Why are people too busy posting "Yolo, swag swag," and "I hate Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus," and pictures of cute cats to discuss what really matters?  Why are people too ignorant and too scared to discuss the things that are going on in the world today?  And why do people look at you as if you are crazy, give you the cold shoulder, and refuse to listen to you when you want to spread the truth or talk about things that actually matter?

This world is turning into complete shit!  Why?  Because people are so busy destroying it, and the people that aren't actively working to destroy it are pretending that nothing is wrong, pretending that nothing is going on, and thus inadvertently helping to destroy the planet.  One thing that is wrong with people is the whole "It's not my fucking problem" mentality.  This is wrong!  It is so your fucking problem!  It's my fucking problem.  It's everyone's fucking problem, regardless of rather or not they are willing to acknowledge it or accept it.

I too, like cute cats and dislike Justin Bieber, but that shit's not nearly as important as politics, history, economics, preserving nature, paving a path for future generations, and real world problems.

Now, I'm no tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, but when I see something wrong with humanity and with the world, I know it!

Have any of my readers ever heard of a little thing called "Social Darwinism?"  I'm sure you've all heard of Darwin and the theory of evolution, and the Darwin awards, and whatnot.  But what I want to talk about today is apparently referred to as Social Darwinism.  I knew of the concept.  I knew of the thing long before I knew that there was a term for it.  "Social Darwinism" is the idea that the rich people are more fit and more entitled to a quality life than their poor counterparts.  The idea that we shall one day be led by a nation of rich celebrities, billionaires, and politicians.  The idea that all the poor people should either be forced to die out or to be bottom-feeders and slaves to the rich.

This is wrong!  How can someone put a value on someone else's life?  How can one look at someone else and think "Well, that person has rags for clothes, no access to clean water or a bed, no home, has to starve every single day, and makes less money in two years than I do in a week, so that person should be spat on, shat upon, kicked to the ground, looked at as an insignificant, worthless, pathetic piece of shit for a human being, and be regarded to as less worthy than me of having a good life?"  How can anyone seriously think that?  How can you think that you are worthy of living and having your needs met just because your wallet is never empty and your bank account is always full, and then take a look at someone who doesn't have or can't acquire a means to having an income and think that they aren't worthy of having their needs met and aren't as entitled as you to have a quality life and be taken care of?

I guess only people that have been in the shoes of a starving or homeless person will understand.  No, that can't be true!  There have to be people out there that have a decent job or other way to acquire a decent sum of money each month that understand how messed up, how flawed, how incredibly wrong this way of thinking is.  No way in hell is there not a single wealthy person out there that understands this and cares!  There's got to be at least a few!

Paris Hilton didn't choose to be born rich, any more than did any homeless child ever choose to be born into poverty.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm not too excited about the possible future of having the world ruled by a bunch of Paris Hiltons, Justin Biebers, and crazed, corrupt politicians.  Something seriously needs to change!  Us so-called "bottom-feeders" need to band together, take care of ourselves, take care of each other, take care of Mother Nature, rise up, and learn to thrive!

There are so many rich people that aren't doing a whole shit-ton of good for anyone but themselves with their ample amounts of green-backs, while there are so many broke asses that could potentially do good for the earth and for everyone living on it if they were given the chance to seriously thrive.

Lets work together to fix things!  Every life is precious and every being deserves a decent chance to prove themselves!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Writer's Problems. Ugh! *sigh*

I have been working on my up-and-coming poetry book, and I've been making pretty good progress on it so far.  On the creativity and writing part of it anyway.  But after I get past the writing part of it, that's where I run into problems... I may be an extremely creative and passionate individual, but I'm not so tech savvy.  In fact, I'm kind of technologically retarded.

I just don't know what exactly you are supposed to do with a book once you are past the writing stages.  I mean, I know that you are supposed to do things like get it proof-read, edited, and ready for publication.  But that's the problem.  I don't know HOW to get it ready for publication or how to publish it... Furthermore I'm at a loss as to what to do as far as publication costs are concerned and how to go about it in a way that I maintain ALL of the rights to my written work.

If this was a social networking post, and not just a regular blog post, and I was into using hashtags (which, generally, I'm not), then I'd probably tag this post #writerproblems.  I know I'm not the only writer that has ever ran into such problems as these throughout the whole entire history of writing, and I'm pretty sure I won't be the last either.

Anyhow, if any of my blog readers, social networking profile viewers, etc. ever come across this post before my book is finished and ready for purchase, please leave me a comment with any advice that you may have (with your name attached and rather or not I may have your permission to share your advice in a future blog post.  If you do give me permission to, then I WILL credit you, which is why I ask for your name.  I want help for myself as well as any other writers that are stuck and need of help).  Any (positive, appropriate) feedback is welcome and appreciated.


-Bridgette Mae <3 

P.S. I may or may not get this whole project figured out, finished, and all the kinks worked out before anyone even ever sees this or replies to it.  In which case, that is alright, but if you want to still comment on this post then feel welcome to do so.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Health Issue Rants Turned Political Debates, Plus My Sudden Shift in Gears as Far as My Poetry and Music Go

So, I started a rant about my health issues on one of the social networking sites that I use, and somehow it turned into a discussion about foreign politics.  Well, alrighty then!  Anyhow, I have a few updates for all my blog-reading buddies...

First, let me share with you all the discussion that I was talking about (I'll be paraphrasing and omitting some names though).

Here was what I originally typed:
"Question: If you were having sudden onsets of a painful burning sensation in your stomach for the past two days, but this time you tasted a settle hint of blood in your mouth (but there actually wasn't any blood in your mouth our coming out of it), and these sudden onsets of burning in your stomach seemingly had no precursor or cause, they seemed random... But as a child, you used to have random bouts of stomach discomfort with seemingly no precursor (but they used to not feel like a fire is inside your gut, it used to just feel like your regular severe stomach ache with bathroom and barfing problems), all the time, off and on... And you had no doctor and no health insurance and no money, what the fuck would you do?! I'm serious... Need help! :O "

And, it's true.  I have actually been having medical troubles throughout pretty much the whole entire duration of my young life.  They have always been sudden, sporadic, un-diagnosed, and untreated.  Anyhow... That somehow turned into "Why don't you illegally immigrate to a different country... That'll somehow entitle you to free healthcare."  And it's not a lie, it's not a joke.  It's not an exaggeration... It's totally true!  In several different countries, often times, people who are illegal immigrants get treated better and somehow are more eligible for certain things that legal immigrants and natural born citizens aren't.  Don't get me wrong... Immigration, honestly, isn't really that big of a deal to me.  You want to visit another country?  You want to travel and see the world?  You want to move to a different country?  Go right on ahead.  You have every right to do so!  The part that bugs me is not the part that people travel and immigrate (not even the part where people illegally immigrate... Not even the part that illegal immigrants get treated like they are real human beings deserving of basic human rights), but the part that legal immigrants and natural born citizens are often times treated like a bucket of bile instead of human beings and aren't probably treated a lot of the time!

Anyhow, as the title of this post would suggest, not this whole entire blog post was going to be about my medical issues and the flaws of different country's governments and systems... I (as the title of this post would suggest and have everyone reading this believing) had something else to talk about in this post.

Apparently I have a friend that wants to start some sort of brand NEW music thing up with me starting this weekend, like some sort of band or something... So, unlike my original plan of me supposedly taking a break from music until my poetry book was fully typed up and finished would suggest, I will be doing my poetry book still but also be starting up a new music project.  I'll do my best to keep you all posted and up-to-date with the progress of my poetry book and my brand new, up and coming music project!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Quick Note About My Past Poems and Songs, As Well As a Quick Glimpse Into My Plans For the Future

Essentially ever band and music project I have created, began to create in my mind, or have been a part of has been an epic failure and has since been scrapped (or at least tucked into storage until a much later time, when I feel it is appropriate to un-bury them, dust them off, and resurface them).  So... I am writing this blog post to get the word out there that this is what my future plans are for all of my OLD projects (that still exist or somewhat exist and are just in temporary long-term storage)...

I am not currently in a band, nor am I planning on starting up or joining a new band any time soon.  I am also taking a break from producing, practicing, and writing new material.  I would also like to note that I am not currently looking into further altering or working with any of my older songs, bands, poems, or projects, other than just for this one thing...

As of right now, the only thing I am even considering doing with my old poems and songs (that are still kicking around) is to round them all up together in one massive collection, publish them in a book, get them out there for other people to read, criticize, and hopefully at least somewhat enjoy, and then to be done with them!

I would like to reiterate... I am NOT currently in a band, nor am I currently seeking out band members.  I also will not be seeking out a new band or new band members until after I have either completed the task of writing and publishing my poetry/song book or gone as far as I possibly can with the project without breaking, giving up on it and scrapping it (like so many other projects before it), and AFTER I have written some new material (and probably not for a long while there after, if ever again), and I will not be writing any new material until after the finishing and the publication of my book... At least that is the plan!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

P.S. Thanks for all of the support and understanding.  I'll try to do my best to keep on task with my new poetry/song book project, keep everyone posted on my progress, and to get my ass back into the musician game!

P.P.S. That last part about me "trying to get my ass back into the musician game" is just one of those "maybe" type of thoughts and not a "for sure" thing, but the rest of that "P.S." was a "for sure" statement!

GMO's, Vaccines, Peanut Allergies, and Stuff

A recent thing going on in the U.S. (and probably a few other countries, as well) is the addition of G.M.O.'s in the vast majority of all of our food products.  Why, though?!  What is the fucking point in all this madness?  Why aren't we striving to keep food and water sources clean and keep our bodies healthy and keep Mother Nature preserved, beautiful, and natural?  Why do human beings seemingly have this insistent habit of fucking everything up?

And as if simply injecting and spraying all of our food sources with unnatural G.M.O.'s wasn't enough, you have to also allow the mislabeling or incomplete labeling of food products in our grocery stores?!  Don't we ALL have the right to know EVERYTHING that is in our food and beverage?!

Please take the time to read a few articles that I have found on the subject of G.M.O.s being implanted into our food supplies and about vaccines and the link between G.M.O.s and vaccines and health issues (such as allergies that wouldn't otherwise normally exist, at least not in such mass quantities, fertility issues, autism, birth defects, autoimmune disorders, leaky gut, and much, much more).

This stuff is serious!

Here are the articles that I just read and would like others to take the time to read:

This is disgusting and outrageous!  These are just a few articles that I have read on the subject... There are many, many more!  G.M.O.s and vaccines are being forced upon adults young and old, children, babies, animals, and our beautiful, lovely, once-was-sacred (still sacred to me) Mother Nature!  Not only are these disgusting, unnatural, unwanted, undeserved "vaccines" and G.M.O.s being forced upon everything and everyone... The sick, power-hungry, rich, secretive, controlling bastards that are (and have been for years) forcing these products upon us that contain such unhealthy and unnecessary toxins as mercury, live proteins and viruses, metals, and formaldehyde, aren't required (and don't want) to tell us every ingredient in their imposed toxin and chemical cocktails.  Not only that, but it is also illegal to sue them if their chemical cocktails make you (or a pet or loved one) ill or cause any permanent or long-term damage!  What evil, maniacal forces have created such a terrible system?

And the fact that they have the audacity to outlaw Mother Nature (Marijuana)!  Now they want to legalize, but modify and regulate it!  That's right... They have started to legalize Weed in the U.S., as well as a few other countries, but it is not fully legalized still (and probably never will be or if it is, it'll probably have high as fuck tax rates on it) and rumor has it that the government even wants to inject G.M.O.s into Marijuana!

What is wrong with these bastards?!  Do they know no boundaries?  How far will they take it?  Why wont they just pack up, butt the fuck out, and leave everyone else the Hell alone (and stop imposing harmful chemicals upon every plant, human, animal, and water source)?  Are these evil, sadistic, selfish pricks even human?

-Bridgette Mae <3 

P.S. Please do your research, spread the word, and ban together to make these wrong things stop and to reclaim all rights to our bodies and food supplies, and to restore Mother Nature!