Thursday, January 23, 2014

Writer's Problems. Ugh! *sigh*

I have been working on my up-and-coming poetry book, and I've been making pretty good progress on it so far.  On the creativity and writing part of it anyway.  But after I get past the writing part of it, that's where I run into problems... I may be an extremely creative and passionate individual, but I'm not so tech savvy.  In fact, I'm kind of technologically retarded.

I just don't know what exactly you are supposed to do with a book once you are past the writing stages.  I mean, I know that you are supposed to do things like get it proof-read, edited, and ready for publication.  But that's the problem.  I don't know HOW to get it ready for publication or how to publish it... Furthermore I'm at a loss as to what to do as far as publication costs are concerned and how to go about it in a way that I maintain ALL of the rights to my written work.

If this was a social networking post, and not just a regular blog post, and I was into using hashtags (which, generally, I'm not), then I'd probably tag this post #writerproblems.  I know I'm not the only writer that has ever ran into such problems as these throughout the whole entire history of writing, and I'm pretty sure I won't be the last either.

Anyhow, if any of my blog readers, social networking profile viewers, etc. ever come across this post before my book is finished and ready for purchase, please leave me a comment with any advice that you may have (with your name attached and rather or not I may have your permission to share your advice in a future blog post.  If you do give me permission to, then I WILL credit you, which is why I ask for your name.  I want help for myself as well as any other writers that are stuck and need of help).  Any (positive, appropriate) feedback is welcome and appreciated.


-Bridgette Mae <3 

P.S. I may or may not get this whole project figured out, finished, and all the kinks worked out before anyone even ever sees this or replies to it.  In which case, that is alright, but if you want to still comment on this post then feel welcome to do so.

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