Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My Thoughts on Social Darwinism

Why are people too busy posting "Yolo, swag swag," and "I hate Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus," and pictures of cute cats to discuss what really matters?  Why are people too ignorant and too scared to discuss the things that are going on in the world today?  And why do people look at you as if you are crazy, give you the cold shoulder, and refuse to listen to you when you want to spread the truth or talk about things that actually matter?

This world is turning into complete shit!  Why?  Because people are so busy destroying it, and the people that aren't actively working to destroy it are pretending that nothing is wrong, pretending that nothing is going on, and thus inadvertently helping to destroy the planet.  One thing that is wrong with people is the whole "It's not my fucking problem" mentality.  This is wrong!  It is so your fucking problem!  It's my fucking problem.  It's everyone's fucking problem, regardless of rather or not they are willing to acknowledge it or accept it.

I too, like cute cats and dislike Justin Bieber, but that shit's not nearly as important as politics, history, economics, preserving nature, paving a path for future generations, and real world problems.

Now, I'm no tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, but when I see something wrong with humanity and with the world, I know it!

Have any of my readers ever heard of a little thing called "Social Darwinism?"  I'm sure you've all heard of Darwin and the theory of evolution, and the Darwin awards, and whatnot.  But what I want to talk about today is apparently referred to as Social Darwinism.  I knew of the concept.  I knew of the thing long before I knew that there was a term for it.  "Social Darwinism" is the idea that the rich people are more fit and more entitled to a quality life than their poor counterparts.  The idea that we shall one day be led by a nation of rich celebrities, billionaires, and politicians.  The idea that all the poor people should either be forced to die out or to be bottom-feeders and slaves to the rich.

This is wrong!  How can someone put a value on someone else's life?  How can one look at someone else and think "Well, that person has rags for clothes, no access to clean water or a bed, no home, has to starve every single day, and makes less money in two years than I do in a week, so that person should be spat on, shat upon, kicked to the ground, looked at as an insignificant, worthless, pathetic piece of shit for a human being, and be regarded to as less worthy than me of having a good life?"  How can anyone seriously think that?  How can you think that you are worthy of living and having your needs met just because your wallet is never empty and your bank account is always full, and then take a look at someone who doesn't have or can't acquire a means to having an income and think that they aren't worthy of having their needs met and aren't as entitled as you to have a quality life and be taken care of?

I guess only people that have been in the shoes of a starving or homeless person will understand.  No, that can't be true!  There have to be people out there that have a decent job or other way to acquire a decent sum of money each month that understand how messed up, how flawed, how incredibly wrong this way of thinking is.  No way in hell is there not a single wealthy person out there that understands this and cares!  There's got to be at least a few!

Paris Hilton didn't choose to be born rich, any more than did any homeless child ever choose to be born into poverty.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm not too excited about the possible future of having the world ruled by a bunch of Paris Hiltons, Justin Biebers, and crazed, corrupt politicians.  Something seriously needs to change!  Us so-called "bottom-feeders" need to band together, take care of ourselves, take care of each other, take care of Mother Nature, rise up, and learn to thrive!

There are so many rich people that aren't doing a whole shit-ton of good for anyone but themselves with their ample amounts of green-backs, while there are so many broke asses that could potentially do good for the earth and for everyone living on it if they were given the chance to seriously thrive.

Lets work together to fix things!  Every life is precious and every being deserves a decent chance to prove themselves!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

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