Monday, March 31, 2014

My Poetry Book

This project didn't have quite the results I was hoping for, but it was still somewhat a success.  I was hoping to publish my poetry collection into an actual physical book, but I absolutely cannot afford publisher's fees and whatnot at this point in my life, and I really wanted to get my poetry collection out there somehow!  So, I decided to take the route of publishing it as an ebook through Amazon.  I'm definitely not going to make a lot of money, despite all the hard work and time and effort that I put into this project, but that is alright.  Hopefully people at least enjoy the product that I have put out for them.  Money isn't everything!

Actually, money is quite a dirty thing and as you all probably know by now, I think that humans would all be much better off without.  But I must live within the realm of reality, unfortunately!  And reality says we are ruled by a government that has imposed a monetary system upon us and we can't exactly pay the bills without the filthy greenbacks that the corrupt, controlling slave-masters have forced upon us, so as much as I really hate money and the monetary system, sadly it is needed to be able to purchase anything I need or want (food, water, a roof over my head, money for transportation, deodorant and shampoo and conditioner, etc).  Awe, wouldn't life be so much simpler if the people ruled themselves and we stuck to a barter and trade system instead?!

Anyhow, my ebook is available for purchase on Amazon and it is compatible with a great number of e-readers and other electronic devices (according to Amazon.  I don't actually know, because I have never attempted to download my own ebook, or any ebook for that matter, considering that I am not well-off enough financially to afford an e-reader).  I'm only charging $5 per copy, but I won't even make a whole $5 dollars if one person buys my ebook, as I will only be getting a portion of the money paid towards the cost.  I will make probably roughly $3.50 per copy sold.  Hey, it's something I guess.  Although I'd rather either be making enough money to support myself and actually make a living, or just not need money at all and be able to trade my cool book for something else of equal value that would be useful to me, and not have to fucking worry about life's ever-growing stock pile of expenses that I can't afford!

You can purchase my poetry collection in the form of a nifty ebook by clicking on this link and ordering it: .  Or in the very least, you can read the title and description and decide for yourself if it is interesting and something worth spending money on.

I will warn you that my poetry collection and the other material provided in the book, for the most part, are very pain driven and are based on the shitty, painful childhood experiences that I grew up having, and yes, it does swear and has content about rape, abuse, violence, and other not so nice topics.

Even if you don't end up buying it, please check it out and read the description and tell me your thoughts at least.  Thank you!

-Bridgette Mae

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