Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Quick Note About My Past Poems and Songs, As Well As a Quick Glimpse Into My Plans For the Future

Essentially ever band and music project I have created, began to create in my mind, or have been a part of has been an epic failure and has since been scrapped (or at least tucked into storage until a much later time, when I feel it is appropriate to un-bury them, dust them off, and resurface them).  So... I am writing this blog post to get the word out there that this is what my future plans are for all of my OLD projects (that still exist or somewhat exist and are just in temporary long-term storage)...

I am not currently in a band, nor am I planning on starting up or joining a new band any time soon.  I am also taking a break from producing, practicing, and writing new material.  I would also like to note that I am not currently looking into further altering or working with any of my older songs, bands, poems, or projects, other than just for this one thing...

As of right now, the only thing I am even considering doing with my old poems and songs (that are still kicking around) is to round them all up together in one massive collection, publish them in a book, get them out there for other people to read, criticize, and hopefully at least somewhat enjoy, and then to be done with them!

I would like to reiterate... I am NOT currently in a band, nor am I currently seeking out band members.  I also will not be seeking out a new band or new band members until after I have either completed the task of writing and publishing my poetry/song book or gone as far as I possibly can with the project without breaking, giving up on it and scrapping it (like so many other projects before it), and AFTER I have written some new material (and probably not for a long while there after, if ever again), and I will not be writing any new material until after the finishing and the publication of my book... At least that is the plan!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

P.S. Thanks for all of the support and understanding.  I'll try to do my best to keep on task with my new poetry/song book project, keep everyone posted on my progress, and to get my ass back into the musician game!

P.P.S. That last part about me "trying to get my ass back into the musician game" is just one of those "maybe" type of thoughts and not a "for sure" thing, but the rest of that "P.S." was a "for sure" statement!

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