Monday, March 31, 2014

Heading Down the Path of Destruction

This is a blog post that I had started a long ass time ago and just never got around to finishing. All I can remember about it is that it was basically more or less a rant about how I hate the health care system and the employment system (and just money in general) and about how I think we really need to and should change a few things about the way we live as people. Since I wrote this a long time ago (well, started writing it) I can't remember exactly all what I wanted it to say, but I do know that it had some sort of purpose at the time of me brainstorming it and typing it (or so I thought). Before you go on to read it, I just want to point out a few things about our system and our society. The system is complete and utter bullshit! It is unnatural, forced, corrupt, unjust, has a faulty foundation, and runs off of lies and coercion. Money is an unnatural concept (and so is government) and human beings are the only creature on this planet (that I'm aware of) that live with such silly, unnatural, and useless systems. Poverty, debt, homelessness, war, and famine only exist among the human beings in this world because people are greedy, selfish, don't give a fuck, don't care to stand up for themselves and take care of one another, are stupid and foolish, and possibly because there are impostors among us. Believe it or not, human beings are actually capable of living, surviving, and thriving without silly concepts in our lives such as money, war, government, and other such force and corruption-driven things. And there was a time when humans did actually live without that shit! And we could live that way again. Actually, we would all be better off in the long run if we did. The way humans are choosing to live right now, we won't last all that much longer if the trend continues... Because we are headed down the path of destruction (the destruction of human kind, nature, Earth... The destruction of EVERYTHING)! And we are going down that path at a rather rapid rate and there is no better time to take a stand and start working on fixing this shit than now (or rather a long fucking time ago). Anyhow.... Please take a moment to read the rant below that I never got around to finishing, and either enjoy it or just don't, and take it for what it is or don't... Either fucking way, I don't care how you interpret it or what you think of it!

Why is everyone around me giving up on the things they love, and why is it seemingly getting increasingly harder to gain employment?

Well, the answer to the second question might be simpler than I initially thought... It might be the fact that there are more and more people competing for the same jobs, coupled with the fact that a lot of jobs are already filled by people that have more work experience than some other people who want the same job.  Other factors may be that they have made changes to things such as the healthcare system.  Some of these changes have really screwed over employees, employers, and people who want to be employed.  There are other factors, I am sure.  These are just a few, and they are only mere opinions based off of observations.  The theory that the recent changes to the healthcare system have made it harder for new employees to get jobs was conjured up in my head after I had recently applied at a fast food job in my hometown and was turned away for reasons unannounced to me.  During the interview I had had a conversation with the hiring manager at the restaurant and he had told me something along the lines of "We are much more limited on the number and types of people that we are willing to hire, due to the recent changes to the healthcare system, so now we only hire X-number of full-time employees and X-number of part-time employees."  Regardless of rather or not this is true, this really, truly bites big time!

Most of the jobs in and around my dinky, dingy (er, um... I mean huge, pleasant) hometown are already filled by either people who are the children's children's children's children of the founders of the company, or by some rich S.O.B. that came along and bought out the company and only wants to hire people who have a bajillion of years worth of non-related experience and five college degrees and already be rich and not needing a job, or some shit like that.  Ok... So, it's a bit of an exaggeration.  Not much though!  There is seriously next to no room for life-improvement or financial growth in or around where I live.  I am not a college graduate, but damn... I have never been convicted of a crime in my whole entire life, I was born and raised here, and I have a small amount of job experience and college experience (I'm not a graduate, but I did attend for a little while and I don't have a whole lot of job experience, but I still have some and it is related to most of the jobs that I have been applying for) and I still can't find a new job!

It's not that there is something wrong with me. It's that there is something wrong with the system.

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