Monday, November 25, 2013

So, I Created A Meme...

I am an awful, terrible, terrible humanoid for creating this and I'm probably going to go to Hell.  Believe me, I know!  I was bored and I found this meme generator and I created a "Grumpy Cat" meme (you all know who that is, right?).  It's in regards to the prohibition laws surrounding marijuana.  Please note that this is totally sarcastic and a joke.  Don't take it seriously!

I, personally, think that prohibition is stupid and part of why we have such high (haha, no pun intended, I swear) taxes and wars.  Believe me, as far as mind-altering substances go, marijuana is the least of our worries!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

P.S.  Meme is pronounced like "meem," not "Mee-mee."  LOL.  What are my fans' thoughts on marijuana, taxes, wars, memes, etc.?  Please feel free to share!

The Horrific Treatment of Children in Public Schools

It is sad and sickening to me that so many police officers and public school officials are allowed to beat, harm, torture, use excessive force on, smother, and even sometimes murder children.  There are more and more cases all the time of shit like this happening.

One thing that really saddens me is the fact that they seemingly mostly target all the kids who have autism or show signs of having autism, other behavioral or emotional disorders, or just "aren't like the rest."  This sort of power trip that these people have over these children is just disgusting!  And the fact that the "law" isn't doing much to prevent these children from being abused, mistreated, and even killed by teachers and police officers is even more atrocious.  Some of these acts of harm are all in the means of "subduing," "controlling," and "calming" the child.  But, do you think that acts of power and harm against a child is going to make them calm?  Of course not!  Only someone who is really stupid, Ok with harming children, and possibly a psychopath would think that!

I don't care if a child is acting up.  How can you possibly think it is ok to shove them into duffle bags, suffocate them, shove them around, throw them to the ground, hold them against their will, throw them in "seclusion chambers," shock them with tasers, etc.?  How can you possibly see this as "therapeutic" or a "fit punishment" for ANYTHING that a child would want to do or is capable of doing?!

Here is one link to a webpage containing a peek at some of the things that I am talking about in this post:

And that's not even all of the horrific, disgusting things going on in public schools behind the backs of these children's parents!  Not all of these disgusting acts of harm towards children are done simply to "subdue" them and "quiet" or "calm" them.  Some are just done for God knows what reason!  Take this guy for example: His name is Mark Berndt.  He apparently committed his actions, not as a mean to subdue or calm a child, but as... Well, who the Hell knows WHY he did what he did?!  This sicko (who happens to be a school teacher, a man that is put in charge of teaching and taking care of children for a good chunk of the day, every damned school day) apparently had a thing for feeding his students his own semen.  He also liked to blindfold them and do God knows what other sick, horrific things to these children!  Link to the article here:

It disgusts me, enrages me, and saddens me to no end that these innocent, helpless children would be treated this way by the people who are in charge of taking care of them and being their teachers, their guiders, their watchers.  People who the children (and parents of the children) are supposed to be able to trust!

I want to close this blog post with another article and video on an example of mistreatment and unnecessary force being dished out in a public school, but it is more surrounding a story of a parent being mistreated in a public school, rather than the child.  Of course this incident was bad for the children involved as well, as the school was more or less needlessly holding the children for ransom, causing them to cry and worry, when all they wanted to do was go home with their dad.  The only reason behind it that was clearly given was because the father didn't want to sign some waiver to allow the children to leave the school premises without him.  A legit reason?  I think not!  Links: 1.


They decided to needlessly haul the father off to jail and continue to hold his young, special needs children at the school.  The fact that the administrations lady or principal (or whoever she is) could just sit there on her fat ass and act like nothing was happening, while this event was taking place right freaking next to her... This astounds me!

If you choose to homeschool your children or put them/leave them in public school, that is up to you.  But, me personally?  After reading and watching some of the horrible shit that goes on in public schools, I kind of am less inclined to have my children public schooled!

Be aware and be careful.  That is all I'm saying!  People who you think you can trust with your children, for many hours a day, to take care of them, watch them, protect them, teach them, and whatever else, aren't always as trustworthy as they let on or should be!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

P.S. I'm sure that not every example of children being mistreated in public schools to ever occur in the history of mankind is mentioned in this post!  There are many more incidences that we don't even know about yet!

Just Another Example of How Corrupt Our System Truly Is

We have no real justice system, it seems.  Either that, or the word justice means something completely different than what I thought it meant.  Above is a video of a boy who was wrongly snatched up and imprisoned for crimes he did not commit.  He didn't even get a fair trial or anything like that.  They were just like "Yeah, you're a robber.  No questions.  No doubt a bout it, you're a guilty man!  You're going to jail, buddy!"  What the fuck?!  He didn't even commit a crime!  He lost three years of his life to the greedy, biased, unfair, unjust, corrupt legal system, undeserving of such treatment.

I can totally relate to this boy's story, although I have never been jailed or put in prison.  I have been severely fucked over and wronged by the court system and the police, as well as others, on countless different occasions.  I hope this boy can recover from the unneeded and undeserved trauma from this horrible mishap.  I hope he can go on to live a semi-normal, decent life again and be happy and live past this bullshit!

This is just one of many cases of corrupt things going on with the "law" and of people being unjustly wronged by the system.  Hopefully all the corrupt people in all the corrupt systems in the world get what they deserve, and hopefully all the people who have been wronged by the system can one day, somehow have it made right!  I certainly hope karma's real!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Here Are The Links For My Hair Bows

Here are the links for the handmade hair bows that I mentioned in the previous blog post.  I make these myself, by hand, with absolutely no help.  I only currently have the set of five Princess hair bows ready for sale, but I'll more than likely work on making more in the future.

If you are interested in them whatsoever, please check out the links above, leave comments, questions, or messages on my blog, in my email, or on one of the pages, purchase them, consider purchasing them, or a combination of the above.  Please check them out and tell me what you think!  I may also consider taking custom orders (like for example, if you want a certain type of bead, button, or charm, a certain type of barrette, or certain colors/thicknesses of ribbons) in the future!  I have not began to take custom orders for my hair bows as of yet, and am not going to for now, but it is definitely something I can and possibly will consider and pursue in the future.  Enjoy!  :D

-Bridgette Mae <3 

I'm Back. I Guess. Maybe. IDK.

Hi, Bridgette here.  I haven't blogged on here in a really long time.  I don't know if anyone even reads my old blog posts anymore or if anyone will continue to read them in the future.

For the most part, during the time in between now and the last time I blogged, I either haven't really had the time, didn't know what to blog about, or just didn't see a reason.

I have started a handmade hair bow business recently (and I'm unsure if I'm going to keep at it or not, but we'll see).  I'll share the links to both the Facebook page that I created for my "business" and the link to my Ebay account (where I am currently attempting to sell them) later on in a different blog post (if I feel up to it and actually can get around to it).  I actually need to get around to making more bows, though, if I want this little venture to work out.


I'm pretty much abandoning the story "Mesmerized" (at least for now).  I might put up different stories though, instead.  I may or may not pick it back up in the future.  One story I'd like to get working on was originally called "The Search for Mona's Heart" (but I don't know what to call it now).  It was a story that I was working on with my little brother as a video game concept before he died, but I'm probably going to make it into something a little different.

Another thing that I really want to be doing right now is picking the guitar back up and trying to pump out some music again.  I was wondering what people's opinions were on doing music as a single person, rather than as a band, and just recording yourself playing acoustic guitar and singing songs that you wrote.  I'm thinking of attempting exactly that (once again)!

So, what are my fans (or lack there of) up to lately?  As far as the title of this blog entry goes, I didn't know what else to title it.  Plus, the title seemingly fits for now.  "I'm back.  I guess.  Maybe.  I don't know," as in I'm getting back into writing this blog, I guess.  Maybe.  I don't know!  I honestly don't know if I'm going to pick this blog back up or not, but if I do, the next couple of posts are going to include the links I discussed earlier on in this post and possibly stuff regarding my story "The Search for Mona's Heart."


-Bridgette Mae <3