Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It REALLY Bugs Me...

It bugs the Hell out of me that people are viewing and reading this blog WAY more than my other one!  Especially considering this is just my random shit one, and the other one is my more important one!  Its about helping struggling artists and musicians out, http://savingstrugglingartists.blogspot.com/ .  Please, I don't care one bit if everyone ignored the Hell out of this blog, but I beg you (and I don't normally beg!), check out, read, and support my artist blog!  Artists and musicians are very often under acknowledged and uncredited or under credited, and they very often have a hard time with becoming successful!  So, check out my other blog, and show those artists some support!  Or, if you are an artist, send a message my way, and I can give you a boost if you'd like!


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