Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Continuation of My Novel

As the readers of both my blogs should already know, I have started working on a novel (so far its about a dead guy named Edgar who got hypnotized or mesmerized by a bird right before dying, and its about whores having a smoke break).  Up until now I have not had a title for this story, so for now I'm just going to call it "Mesmerized".  Any post on either of my two blogs that has "Mesmerized," or "Mesmerized Continued," or "Mesmerized Part________," or something of that sort on the title of the post will be about this novel.  I will type up a brief summary of what has already happened during the story at the begining of each "Mesmerized" post.  Remember, I am only posting up to the whole first chapter here on my blogs, and if you want to continue reading into my novel and showing me your support, you may email me a message in regards to my novel at:

Thank you!

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