Thursday, January 23, 2014

Writer's Problems. Ugh! *sigh*

I have been working on my up-and-coming poetry book, and I've been making pretty good progress on it so far.  On the creativity and writing part of it anyway.  But after I get past the writing part of it, that's where I run into problems... I may be an extremely creative and passionate individual, but I'm not so tech savvy.  In fact, I'm kind of technologically retarded.

I just don't know what exactly you are supposed to do with a book once you are past the writing stages.  I mean, I know that you are supposed to do things like get it proof-read, edited, and ready for publication.  But that's the problem.  I don't know HOW to get it ready for publication or how to publish it... Furthermore I'm at a loss as to what to do as far as publication costs are concerned and how to go about it in a way that I maintain ALL of the rights to my written work.

If this was a social networking post, and not just a regular blog post, and I was into using hashtags (which, generally, I'm not), then I'd probably tag this post #writerproblems.  I know I'm not the only writer that has ever ran into such problems as these throughout the whole entire history of writing, and I'm pretty sure I won't be the last either.

Anyhow, if any of my blog readers, social networking profile viewers, etc. ever come across this post before my book is finished and ready for purchase, please leave me a comment with any advice that you may have (with your name attached and rather or not I may have your permission to share your advice in a future blog post.  If you do give me permission to, then I WILL credit you, which is why I ask for your name.  I want help for myself as well as any other writers that are stuck and need of help).  Any (positive, appropriate) feedback is welcome and appreciated.


-Bridgette Mae <3 

P.S. I may or may not get this whole project figured out, finished, and all the kinks worked out before anyone even ever sees this or replies to it.  In which case, that is alright, but if you want to still comment on this post then feel welcome to do so.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Health Issue Rants Turned Political Debates, Plus My Sudden Shift in Gears as Far as My Poetry and Music Go

So, I started a rant about my health issues on one of the social networking sites that I use, and somehow it turned into a discussion about foreign politics.  Well, alrighty then!  Anyhow, I have a few updates for all my blog-reading buddies...

First, let me share with you all the discussion that I was talking about (I'll be paraphrasing and omitting some names though).

Here was what I originally typed:
"Question: If you were having sudden onsets of a painful burning sensation in your stomach for the past two days, but this time you tasted a settle hint of blood in your mouth (but there actually wasn't any blood in your mouth our coming out of it), and these sudden onsets of burning in your stomach seemingly had no precursor or cause, they seemed random... But as a child, you used to have random bouts of stomach discomfort with seemingly no precursor (but they used to not feel like a fire is inside your gut, it used to just feel like your regular severe stomach ache with bathroom and barfing problems), all the time, off and on... And you had no doctor and no health insurance and no money, what the fuck would you do?! I'm serious... Need help! :O "

And, it's true.  I have actually been having medical troubles throughout pretty much the whole entire duration of my young life.  They have always been sudden, sporadic, un-diagnosed, and untreated.  Anyhow... That somehow turned into "Why don't you illegally immigrate to a different country... That'll somehow entitle you to free healthcare."  And it's not a lie, it's not a joke.  It's not an exaggeration... It's totally true!  In several different countries, often times, people who are illegal immigrants get treated better and somehow are more eligible for certain things that legal immigrants and natural born citizens aren't.  Don't get me wrong... Immigration, honestly, isn't really that big of a deal to me.  You want to visit another country?  You want to travel and see the world?  You want to move to a different country?  Go right on ahead.  You have every right to do so!  The part that bugs me is not the part that people travel and immigrate (not even the part where people illegally immigrate... Not even the part that illegal immigrants get treated like they are real human beings deserving of basic human rights), but the part that legal immigrants and natural born citizens are often times treated like a bucket of bile instead of human beings and aren't probably treated a lot of the time!

Anyhow, as the title of this post would suggest, not this whole entire blog post was going to be about my medical issues and the flaws of different country's governments and systems... I (as the title of this post would suggest and have everyone reading this believing) had something else to talk about in this post.

Apparently I have a friend that wants to start some sort of brand NEW music thing up with me starting this weekend, like some sort of band or something... So, unlike my original plan of me supposedly taking a break from music until my poetry book was fully typed up and finished would suggest, I will be doing my poetry book still but also be starting up a new music project.  I'll do my best to keep you all posted and up-to-date with the progress of my poetry book and my brand new, up and coming music project!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Quick Note About My Past Poems and Songs, As Well As a Quick Glimpse Into My Plans For the Future

Essentially ever band and music project I have created, began to create in my mind, or have been a part of has been an epic failure and has since been scrapped (or at least tucked into storage until a much later time, when I feel it is appropriate to un-bury them, dust them off, and resurface them).  So... I am writing this blog post to get the word out there that this is what my future plans are for all of my OLD projects (that still exist or somewhat exist and are just in temporary long-term storage)...

I am not currently in a band, nor am I planning on starting up or joining a new band any time soon.  I am also taking a break from producing, practicing, and writing new material.  I would also like to note that I am not currently looking into further altering or working with any of my older songs, bands, poems, or projects, other than just for this one thing...

As of right now, the only thing I am even considering doing with my old poems and songs (that are still kicking around) is to round them all up together in one massive collection, publish them in a book, get them out there for other people to read, criticize, and hopefully at least somewhat enjoy, and then to be done with them!

I would like to reiterate... I am NOT currently in a band, nor am I currently seeking out band members.  I also will not be seeking out a new band or new band members until after I have either completed the task of writing and publishing my poetry/song book or gone as far as I possibly can with the project without breaking, giving up on it and scrapping it (like so many other projects before it), and AFTER I have written some new material (and probably not for a long while there after, if ever again), and I will not be writing any new material until after the finishing and the publication of my book... At least that is the plan!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

P.S. Thanks for all of the support and understanding.  I'll try to do my best to keep on task with my new poetry/song book project, keep everyone posted on my progress, and to get my ass back into the musician game!

P.P.S. That last part about me "trying to get my ass back into the musician game" is just one of those "maybe" type of thoughts and not a "for sure" thing, but the rest of that "P.S." was a "for sure" statement!

GMO's, Vaccines, Peanut Allergies, and Stuff

A recent thing going on in the U.S. (and probably a few other countries, as well) is the addition of G.M.O.'s in the vast majority of all of our food products.  Why, though?!  What is the fucking point in all this madness?  Why aren't we striving to keep food and water sources clean and keep our bodies healthy and keep Mother Nature preserved, beautiful, and natural?  Why do human beings seemingly have this insistent habit of fucking everything up?

And as if simply injecting and spraying all of our food sources with unnatural G.M.O.'s wasn't enough, you have to also allow the mislabeling or incomplete labeling of food products in our grocery stores?!  Don't we ALL have the right to know EVERYTHING that is in our food and beverage?!

Please take the time to read a few articles that I have found on the subject of G.M.O.s being implanted into our food supplies and about vaccines and the link between G.M.O.s and vaccines and health issues (such as allergies that wouldn't otherwise normally exist, at least not in such mass quantities, fertility issues, autism, birth defects, autoimmune disorders, leaky gut, and much, much more).

This stuff is serious!

Here are the articles that I just read and would like others to take the time to read:

This is disgusting and outrageous!  These are just a few articles that I have read on the subject... There are many, many more!  G.M.O.s and vaccines are being forced upon adults young and old, children, babies, animals, and our beautiful, lovely, once-was-sacred (still sacred to me) Mother Nature!  Not only are these disgusting, unnatural, unwanted, undeserved "vaccines" and G.M.O.s being forced upon everything and everyone... The sick, power-hungry, rich, secretive, controlling bastards that are (and have been for years) forcing these products upon us that contain such unhealthy and unnecessary toxins as mercury, live proteins and viruses, metals, and formaldehyde, aren't required (and don't want) to tell us every ingredient in their imposed toxin and chemical cocktails.  Not only that, but it is also illegal to sue them if their chemical cocktails make you (or a pet or loved one) ill or cause any permanent or long-term damage!  What evil, maniacal forces have created such a terrible system?

And the fact that they have the audacity to outlaw Mother Nature (Marijuana)!  Now they want to legalize, but modify and regulate it!  That's right... They have started to legalize Weed in the U.S., as well as a few other countries, but it is not fully legalized still (and probably never will be or if it is, it'll probably have high as fuck tax rates on it) and rumor has it that the government even wants to inject G.M.O.s into Marijuana!

What is wrong with these bastards?!  Do they know no boundaries?  How far will they take it?  Why wont they just pack up, butt the fuck out, and leave everyone else the Hell alone (and stop imposing harmful chemicals upon every plant, human, animal, and water source)?  Are these evil, sadistic, selfish pricks even human?

-Bridgette Mae <3 

P.S. Please do your research, spread the word, and ban together to make these wrong things stop and to reclaim all rights to our bodies and food supplies, and to restore Mother Nature!