Sunday, January 6, 2013

In Regards to My Story Called "Mesmerized" (Which I Have Not Been Doing a Good Job at Keeping Up), Plus A Few Side Notes

I've decided that I may or may not actually ever get around to finishing "Mesmerized" (or even the first chapter of it), but here's what I am going to decide to do IF I ever do finish writing "Mesmerized."

I am going to probably just keep up the periodicals of segments of the story on my other blog ("Saving Struggling Artists: ), and AFTER I finish the periodical updates with segments of my story on my other blog, than I am just going to post ALL of chapter 1 in one long post on this blog... But, after chapter 1, I am going to do a "by email contact only" if people wish to continue following the story (which means if you want to continue following the story after chapter 1, you are going to have to shoot me a quick email stating so, as I have previously mentioned).  I just wanted to let you all know, though, I may or may not EVER get around to finishing that story, and IF I do it could take me a very long time... I have other stuff to do as well, like writing/playing/singing/recording/uploading mine and my boyfriend's music (I don't play or write his at all yet, but I do play and write pretty much all of my own stuff as of right now, and we have discussed playing and writing together on several occasions   We may or may not ever get around to doing it.  He has his various band buddies and I am pretty independent and stubborn! I do however help him get it recorded and uploaded, as well as doing my own thing.), visiting my kid, writing my various other stories, painting, going to parties, brainstorming ideas, daydreaming, etc., and pretty soon here I'll be starting up college!!

As always, I am only writing in the favor of my fans.  It is good for me to let you all know what's up (like if there is NEW and exciting material coming out, be it mine or someone else's, that I'm going to blog about, or if there is a change in my plans for my blogs and the content I am planning on posting, or even just the most random of things).  I love and appreciate my many adoring fans, and will accept any question, comment (unless it is totally inappropriate or spam), concern, and email from them!!  Thanks for reading.

- <3 Bridgette

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Treat For You...

Hello, it has been a while since I updated this blog or posted anything on it.  I usually don't really use this blog much anymore...  I do however still use my "Saving Struggling Artists" blog.  It is just so funny to me that my practice/screwing around blog that I really don't even use anymore is so much more popular than my actual blog that I do use and care about!!

Anyhow... I have a treat for you all, if you would like to click this link and hop on over to my other blog:

The above link will take you to my blog post in which I have uploaded two videos for you all to listen to.  One is of Chaz (my dearly beloved boyfriend) playing a Blink-182 cover, and the other is of me playing the intro to one of my own songs.  If you would like to go check that out and show my other blog some support, he and I would greatly appreciate it.  Thanks and enjoy! :D

-Bridgette ( )