Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It REALLY Bugs Me...

It bugs the Hell out of me that people are viewing and reading this blog WAY more than my other one!  Especially considering this is just my random shit one, and the other one is my more important one!  Its about helping struggling artists and musicians out, http://savingstrugglingartists.blogspot.com/ .  Please, I don't care one bit if everyone ignored the Hell out of this blog, but I beg you (and I don't normally beg!), check out, read, and support my artist blog!  Artists and musicians are very often under acknowledged and uncredited or under credited, and they very often have a hard time with becoming successful!  So, check out my other blog, and show those artists some support!  Or, if you are an artist, send a message my way, and I can give you a boost if you'd like!


Sunday, July 15, 2012

"Mesmerized" Part 2

Recap of story so far: Edgar gets mesmerized by the reflection of a crow's eye in the ring of his attacker.  He is found dead in a brothel and is surrounded by laughter, music, and whores.  The whores soon loose interest in the dead body and decided to step out for a cigarette break.

Continuation: "Its amazing how a once-was serious pill-popper and hypochandriac can eventually become disgusted with taking meds and no longer want to do it! "Ugh, its so effing disgusting! If I have to take another pill, I'm gonna just die!" she said to me today, giving a sour face," said Elisha, the best known and most commonly asked for whore of the brothel.
"Who are you talking about," asked Brunhilda, the German whore.
"Oh, no one," said Elisha.
"No, seriously.  It was just something I had read somewhere!"
"Why are you two always bickering?" screeched Adelaide, the least requested, yet prettiest of the whores, "Just stop!"

They were soon joined by the remaining two whores of the brothel, Tallulah and London.

"How could you three be so careless like that?" shouted Tallulah from afar.  Tallulah was probably the most kind-hearted of the five whores.
"What do you mean?" asked Elisha, the snarky, shadey, backstabbing whore.
"I mean how could you three bitches care more about lighting up and smoking a pack of cigarettes then about a death that just recently happened?"  Ok, so Tallulah wasn't always light-hearted, but she was most definetly the kindest of the five.
"So, I don't know who the fuck he is!" retorted Elisha.
"Well, think about it," said London, the dumbest whore out of the bunch.  London was more focused on making money and making guys' pants pop than anything.  She didn't even care if she'd be stuck stripping and sucking cock for a living, even if she had to do it her whole life, as long as she was making some money and getting the pleasure of teasing guys and giving them boners.  "If we don't get this murder investi- what's the word?"
"Investigated!" shouted Elisha as she damn near backhanded her in the face.
"Yeah, investigated.  And cleaned up..."  She sort of began to ramble a little.  Could it possibly have been from all those damned medications she had been taking?  Or maybe it was just because she had both a short vocabulary and a short attention span.
"What is it, London?!  Cut to the chase, you dumb ass!  What the Hell is your point?!" shouted Elisha.
"I kind of, sort of lost track and forgot what I was talking about."
"Something about the murder in the brothel."
"Oh, yeah.  If we don't get this mess sorted out and get the dead body cleaned up from the brothel, we may just all be out of work."
"Out of work?  What the Hell are you talking about, you dumb ass?!"
"I mean we may all loose our jobs.  The Belle Tower may go out of business."

"Well, you dumb," said Brunhilda as she took another puff of her cigarette, "You dumbies!  Has anyone," another puff, "Has anyone even thought to call the police?"

A Continuation of My Novel

As the readers of both my blogs should already know, I have started working on a novel (so far its about a dead guy named Edgar who got hypnotized or mesmerized by a bird right before dying, and its about whores having a smoke break).  Up until now I have not had a title for this story, so for now I'm just going to call it "Mesmerized".  Any post on either of my two blogs that has "Mesmerized," or "Mesmerized Continued," or "Mesmerized Part________," or something of that sort on the title of the post will be about this novel.  I will type up a brief summary of what has already happened during the story at the begining of each "Mesmerized" post.  Remember, I am only posting up to the whole first chapter here on my blogs, and if you want to continue reading into my novel and showing me your support, you may email me a message in regards to my novel at: rayasmommy94@gmail.com

Thank you!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Information Regarding the Novel I Have Started To Work On

Please click the link: http://savingstrugglingartists.blogspot.com/2012/07/starting-novel.html, for information regarding my new novel, that way I do not have to type this shit all over again.  Thank you! :D

Some Of The Sh*t That Pulls UpWhen You Google "Grunge goth"

Here are some of the pics that pull up when you type "grunge goth" into your google search bar and click on "images".

This pic here sparked an idea in my head: Merging grunge, goth, and victorian styles.  Crazy thought, I know!  What do you think?

Oh, hey.  Its Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love's lovely daughter, Frances Bean Cobain!  :D

Yes, yes, YES!  I'm loving it! XD