Saturday, October 19, 2013

Schools, Etc.

There are many schools and career options that I have looked into or wanted to look into at one point or another during my life.  I have looked into accredited, non-accredited, public, private, large, small, expensive, and less expensive schools alike.  I have wanted to be, or thought I wanted to be just about everything under the sun, including but not limited to: Veterinarian, nurse, tattoo artist, P.I., crime scene investigator, shop owner, author, musician, actress, model, fashion designer, web designer, video game designer, mechanic, restaurant owner, therapist, teacher, record label/record shop owner, and even many combinations of the above.

I have checked out several colleges but have not actually earned a single degree in anything as of yet.  I have looked into Salt Lake Community College, Broadview Entertainment Arts University, The Art Institute, Snow College, ITT Technical Institute, and a few others.  I have heard both good and bad about all of the schools that I have looked into (and just about all the ones I haven't looked into as well).  Of course there are going to be both good and bad reviews of any school or career field (or restaurant or anything else) out there!

One thing you need to be aware of is the fact that some places actually pay people to give them good reviews and sometimes they even pay people to give bad reviews of rival companies.  It's just a simple, shitty fact of life.  Er, um, I mean marketing technique!

Anyhow... My point is that part of the reason that I haven't actually ever seriously pursued a long-term career in anything or attempted to complete school and get a degree in anything yet is because I am left with the not-so-simple, tedious task of deciphering what of everything is just complete, utter bullshit, and what of it is good, factual, honest, accurate information.  I'm left with the task of sorting all that junk out and making a decision or decisions on my own accordingly.

Learn to think for yourself.  Don't listen to everything you read and are told by other people, because a lot of it is biased or completely wrong.  Even if it is to some degree actually true, it may only be true (or slightly true) for one person or a few people, because it's all speculation and opinion.  Not everything applies to everyone, and everything ("fact" or not) was based off of someone's perspective or speculation.

At the end of the day, everything is opinion and nothing matters except what you know to be true in your heart (but what is true to and for you may only be true to and for you and no one else)!

The other thing getting in my way of completing school is the fact that unlike the government, I don't like to gamble away invisible money in mass quantities that I don't actually have.

There have been many times when I had my whole life figured out and had everything I wanted to do with my life completely, 100% planned out... Or at least thought I did!  But, you know what... I was wrong!  I was wrong every single time!  Otherwise, I wouldn't have changed my mind so Goddamn many times.  You may think you have your whole life ahead of you planned out and may not actually be right on this and that's OK!  Or you may actually be correct.  In which case, good for you!  That is awesome.  But, life occasionally throws curve balls at people that can be temporarily disabling and devastating, and sometimes it even bops them on the nose, wags it's finger at them and gives them a stern "No!"  Sometimes it seems this is for no damned reason at all.  Just because it seems there isn't a reason, that doesn't mean there actually isn't!  Well, this is another thing that depends on perspective, opinion, attitude.  Rather you want something/think you want something, don't want/think you don't want something, need/think you need/don't need/think you don't need something, deserve/think you deserve, don't deserve/think you don't deserve something, can have/can't have or think you can or can't have something, although many of these things do rely on circumstance, they don't rely on that alone.  They also rely on perspective.

You may disagree with me that it is OK that I keep changing my mind on what I want to do with my life and that I don't have everything quite figured out or planned out.  In which case your perspective or opinion differs from mine, because I think it is OK.

Regardless on rather or not your opinion on if it's OK or not differs from mine, the fact of the matter is I don't have all my shit together, I don't know everything, I don't have everything planned out, I don't know what I want to do with my life, and I don't know what I want to be when I grow up (or IF I "grow up"), and I think it's OK.  And, this so-called "fact" is only a fact because I said it was.  It's based off my opinion and perspective, so it's a "fact" inside my head (and in your head, things may be a little different), but if you were to tell me "No, Bridgette.  Actually you do have all your shit together and you do know precisely what you want to be when you grow up.  In fact, you are living it right now and you already are grown up," I'd probably tell you you're full of crap... But, to you, the information you just fed me is your perspective, your opinion, and to you me having my shit together is the fact.

Where was I going with this?  I don't even remember now.  In my opinion, the fact is that I've lost my train of thought, forgot what I actually wanted to say, and this note is kind of irrelevant and pointless.  But, to you the fact of the matter may be that I've actually said precisely what I meant to say and what needed to be said and have made many good points throughout this note.