Friday, May 31, 2013

Hello Again! Plus... "I Know This is a Little Juvenile, But.... : A Quick Confession of Mine"

Hi!  It's been a while since I've posted anything on here.  Honestly, yes, I have pretty much, more or less abandoned this blog.  I, myself, honestly don't care about it all that much, but I see  that other people sure do.  People are still reading it (even though the post are all mostly pointless and old news)!  And I still might occasionally (but very rarely) ever come on here anymore just to post something out of boredom and not having much else better to do at the time.  Anyhow...

I know this is a little juvenile of me, but (and, oh boy... Here comes the confession!) I have been so totally obsessed with the "Monster High" theme and with cute things that have skulls with eyelashes and hair bows.  LOL!

Here are a few random pictures of cute shoes that I found:

Yes... Some of them will be baby and toddler shoes! :)

I honestly cannot decided if this particular pair is cute/pretty or not.  The color scheme is a bit different.

Misfits shoes?!  Hell yes! XD

The last two that I just added are rain boots. lol

These boots, in my opinion, would easily be described as "Cugly."  Cugly is a word that I came up with merging the words cute and ugly, either to describe something that you cant decide if it is cute or ugly, or if it is kind of a little bit of both (such as a pug, Persian cat, hairless cat, or these boots, for example).

I also have obsessions with other juvenile things other than Monster High (such as Hello Kitty, but who doesn't like Hello Kitty?).

A few cute things that also popped up that weren't necessarily shoes:

This hoodie is so cute, but the mannequin is freaking creepy!  lol

I'm not sure what this even is, but it's cute!

Good bye until next time (IF there is a next time)!